Illinois Divorce Records

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Illinois Divorce Records Search

Illinois divorce records are kept by the Illinois Department of Public Health?s Division of Vital Records, as well as the circuit clerk of court in the county where a divorce was finalized. Anyone who wants or needs a copy of a divorce record in Illinois must abide by strict guidelines. The Illinois Department of Public Health Division does not issue divorce records to those who need them. The law in many other states allows the Department to do just that, but Illinois law does not allow this. The office of Vital Statistics can perform what they refer to as a divorce verification, but all certified copies must be purchased through the country clerk?s office where the divorce occurred. To perform an Illinois divorce record search with this department you will need proper identification as well as the divorce dates.

Verification of Illinois Divorce Records

If you need only verify someone is divorced, the Illinois Department of Public Health?s Division of Vital Records is the place to look. To request a verification by the department, anyone can send a letter, fax a request, or go to the office in person to seek verification. An application for Verification of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union Record Files is required to apply for verification. It?s found on the department?s website as well as in person. Fill it out in its entirety or the request will be denied.

Anyone seeking verification must also submit proof of identification in the form of a passport, driver license, state-issued photo identification or government or military identification. The fee for verification is $5 per verification. Cash is not an accepted method of payment for this type of request.

Obtaining a Certified Copy of an Illinois Divorce Record

Anyone interested in obtaining a certified copy of a divorce record in Illinois must visit the circuit court in the county where the divorce was granted. Specific information is required to obtain this information:

– The full name of both parties in the divorce
– The maiden name of any party if applicable
– The date of the divorce
– The city of the divorce
– Personal identification for those seeking the copy
– The proper fees

Fees vary based on the location you visit. Every court charges their own fees for this process. Some Illinois courts allow their customers to apply for a certified copy online, and some allow it through the mail. If you?d like to avoid a trip to the courthouse, try calling ahead or time or visiting the clerk?s website to see which options are available to you. It?s recommended you do this to allow you an opportunity to see which payment methods are accepted. Many locations do not accept cash, some do not accept personal checks, and some accept any payment type.

Certified copies are issued one at a time unless additional copies are required. Every clerk?s office charges customers a fee for each additional copy, which means the amount you owe varies based on your needs. Anyone can look up divorce information online through the county?s public records website, but acquiring a hard copy of the divorce record requires payment and other documentation.

Illinois Divorce Records
Illinois Divorce Records

Illinois Divorce Record FAQs

Can Anyone Access Illinois Divorce Records?

Yes, Illinois divorce records are public record that anyone can view. Obtaining certified copies of Illinois divorce records are only available to those involved in the divorce or court appointed for another reason. Online access to non-certified divorce records can be found on various public record websites.

Are Illinois Divorces Public Record?

Yes, divorce records and marriage records are public records in Illinois. This means that anyone can view them however, only the divorced party may obtain a duplicate copy of their divorce decree

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Responses to “Illinois Divorce Records

  1. says:

    Linda, if you can provide us with your full married name and date of birth and state we can verify your divorce information. If you need a copy of your certificate then you’ll need to reach out to the Department of Health of that state to re-issue you a copy for your records

  2. says:

    Looking for my divorce records from the latter 70’s to early 80’s

  3. says:

    Laurie, try contacting the clerk of the court where your divorce was processed. Since it’s a court record, you can typically obtain one from the courthouse website or in person or over the phone.

  4. says:

    I went to the Daley center and got a certified copy of my divorce deceee and was told that it does not have the recorded information on it. How do I get a recorded copy of my divorce decree?

  5. says:

    Will you send me a copy of my divorce

  6. says:

    To whom this may concern. Please send a request form for a certified copy of my Divorce decree.

    Denise Eason Price

  7. says:

    Eric, we can run a divorce record search for you and see what we can find. If this person has a common first and last name it might be difficult to track down but we’ll give it a shot if you let us know the name of the person in question

  8. says:


    I am wondering if there is an easy way to find out if a person got a divorce. I only have a name, not a birthday or anything else.

  9. says:

    Shirley, you will need a certified copy of your divorce papers for your Illinois driver’s license. That means you will want to reach out to the clerk of the court in the Illinois county you were divorced in to procure this document. Our divorce record resources are for online reference only. You can typically obtain a copy of your Illinois divorce record online, in person or over the phone if you know the courthouse where the divorce papers were filed.

  10. says:

    Searching for Divorce papers for James Jensen/ Shirley Jensen needed for Drivers licence. I don’t have date.

  11. says:

    Searching for Divorce papers for James Jensen/ Shirley Jensen needed for Drivers licence

  12. says:

    Thank you so much.

  13. says:

    You should be able to do that by contacting the clerk of the court in the county you were divorced

  14. says:

    I just need to get my divorce date not a copy of the divorce papers. Is there anyway I can obtain that?

  15. says:

    Brenda, we ran an Illinois divorce record lookup for you and did not find the date of your divorce. You can also contact the clerk of the court in county your divorce was processed and request a divorce verification from them. You can either visit their website or call them directly

  16. says:

    Hello. I just need to know the date of my divorce for Social Security information. I do have a copy at home but when I moved.. I stored them somewhere. I don’t need a copy… just the date.

  17. says:

    You can make a divorce verification request from your county courthouse. Most court websites have the ability to make this request online. Another option is to use the resources of , this is a resource that most courts Illinois courts use to access certified copies of court documents.

  18. says:

    How do I find out if my ex ever actually filed our divorce papers? He tells me he hasn\’t but tells everyone else he has.

  19. says:

    Denise, unfortunately we don’t show the date of your Cook County divorce records. You can contact the Cook County courthouse clerk and request a divorce verification. You can sometimes accomplish this online as well. Just go to the courthouse website and request a copy of your divorce records. This will give you the information you need and you can also get a certified copy of your Illinois divorce records mailed to you for future reference.

    How to Get an Illinois Divorce Verification

    Visit the Illinois courthouse website and request a copy of your divorce court record documents. Fill out the divorce record request form and submit this with proof of identification and the names of the divorcee and the date if you know it. Then you will be prompted to pay a fee for a certified copy of your divorce records or a divorce verification. A certified copy of your Illinois divorce records will be sent to you via mail.

  20. says:

    I do no longer have my divorce records, and I am applying for a Passport [need to travel in 4 weeks] the passport submission documents requires I state the day/month/year that my divorce in Cook County was granted. I all I need is the date of the divorce, how can I get the date ? I live out of state.

  21. says:

    Allan, we are happy to lookup an Illinois divorce record for you but if you need official documentation of this divorce then you will want to reach out to the courthouse where the divorce was filed and request to get a certified copy from the court clerk. You can also contact the Illinois Department of Public Health to inquire about receiving a divorce verification, also known as a dissolution of marriage. You can reach the IDPH office @ 217-782-4977

    Illinois Dissolution of Marriage

    A dissolution of marriage in Illinois is the formal ending of a marriage in the state of Illinois. It is also commonly named a divorce. The dissolution of marriage will effectively end any legal relationship through marriage. An Illinois dissolution of marriage record will typically contain the names of the divorced, birth dates and the date and county the dissolution took place

  22. says:

    If all I have are my Mother\’s name and her ex husbands name can the document be located? Can I search online to see if divorce papers exist?

  23. says:

    Lauren, you will need to reach out to the Illinois courthouse where your divorce was filed. You can request a certified copy from the courthouse clerk and should be able to have it mailed to your location

  24. says:

    How do I get a sealed, certified divorce decree if I now live in Asia?

  25. says:

    Since you cannot find your father’s Illinois divorce decree from the various courthouses you might also consider contacting the Illinois Department of Public Health as they manage and archive vital records in the state of Illinois. You can contact them by phone @ 217-782-6562

  26. says:

    I am searching for my Father\’s divorce decree from his first wife. I have contacted both courthouses in the counties that they were living in at the time, but have not been able to locate them. How can I locate them?

  27. says:

    To find out if your mother in law was married at the time of her death in Illinois, you can contact the Illinois Department of Public Health as they archive state issued marriage licenses and can lookup if there was a dissolution of marriage in Illinois. If this was a military wedding or military related record then you can visit and inquire with them about any military related records.

  28. says:

    How do I find out if my mother in law was still married when her husband died. He was in the military.

  29. says:

    An Illinois Qualified Domestic Relation Order or QDRO is governed by the issuing Illinois court and a copy can be obtained by contacting the issuing Illinois courthouse clerk.

    What is an Illinois QDRO?

    An Illinois QRDO is a Qualified Domestic Relation Order which is designed to divide a retirement plan or pension in a divorce. An Illinois QRDO is issued by the relevant IL divorce court judge which is designed to be an objective means of separating joint funds which can also include alimony and child support.

  30. says:

    how do I get a copy of a QDRO filed in1997?

  31. says:

    In order to find out the specifics of your Illinois divorce you will want to reach out to the courthouse where your divorce was filed and inquire with the courthouse clerk if they can get you a copy of your Illinois divorce decree.

  32. says:

    How do you get a copy of your divorce decree if you don’t know the exact date of either marriage or divorce? Have general idea of month/year of divorce.

  33. says:

    Certified copies of most vital records, except IL divorce records, can be obtain from the Illinois website That being said, to obtain a certified copy of your divorce papers you will want to reach out to the clerk of the court where your IL divorce decree was filed.

  34. says:

    How do I get copy of my divorce papers.

  35. says:

    To get a copy of your Illinois Divorce Records, also known as an Illinois Dissolution of Marriage Verification, you will want to visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website and fill out an application for an Illinois Dissolution of Marriage Verification.

    How To Obtain an Illinois Dissolution of Marriage Verification

    1. Visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website
    2. Fill out an application for Verification of Dissolution of Marriage
    3. Provide proof of identification, driver’s license or government ID
    4. Pay the $5 fee and receive Verification of Dissolution of Marriage

  36. says:

    How can I get a copy of my divorce decree from Kankakee, IL. I am now a Georgia resident.

  37. says:

    We can certainly assist you with looking up an Illinois divorce record however if you need a copy of your divorce papers then you’ll need to contact the Illinois courthouse clerk in the county you filed your divorce papers. They are the managing agency that archives and indexes divorce information in the state of Illinois.

    How to Get a Copy of My Illinois Divorce Papers

    1. Contact the county courthouse where you filed for divorce
    2. Talk to the county courthouse clerk to inquire about a copy
    3. Provide the date and names of the divorcees
    4. Show proof of identification and pay the fee for a copy
    5. Processing by mail may take several weeks

  38. says:

    Looking for divorce papers

  39. says:

    To receive a certified copy of your Illinois divorce certificate, also known as a Dissolution of Marriage Records, you will want to contact the County Courthouse Clerk where your Illinois divorce decree was filled and request a certified copy of your divorce certificate. Our resources are for online reference only so you will want to obtain this from the court where your divorce took place.

    How to Get a Certified Copy of an Illinois Divorce Certificate

    1. Contact the Illinois Court Clerk where the divorce was filed
    2. Complete an Application for Dissolution of Marriage Record
    3. Provide a valid government issued ID for verification
    4. Pay the $5 fee for a certified copy of your divorce record
    5. Processing by mail may take a few weeks

  40. says:

    How do I get a copy of my certified divorce certificate.
    Joliet Illinois 3-24-1995

Last Updated: 2016-12-09

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