City | State | Zip | Court Name | Address | Url | Phone |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | First Circuit Staff Attorney | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Room 5402 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-9030 |
Boston | MA | 02109-3945 | First Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel | John W. McCormack Post Office and Court House 5 Post Office Square, Suite 910 Boston MA 02109-3945 | | 617-748-9650 |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | First Circuit Court of Appeals Clerk | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Suite 2500 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-9057 |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | First Circuit Executive | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Suite 3700 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-9330 |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | First Circuit Librarian | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Room 9400 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-9044 |
Boston | MA | 02109-3945 | Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court | John W. McCormack Post Office and Court House 5 Post Office Square, Room 1150 Boston MA 02109-3945 | | 617-748-5300 |
Worcester | MA | 01608-2025 | Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court | Harold D. Donohue Federal Building and United States Courthouse 595 Main Street, 3rd Floor Worcester MA 01608-2025 | | 508-770-8900 |
Springfield | MA | 1105 | Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court | 300 State Street, Suite 220 Springfield MA 01105 | | 413-785-6900 |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | Massachusetts District Court | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Suite 2300 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-9152 |
Springfield | MA | 1105 | Massachusetts District Court | 300 State Street, Room 1-120 Springfield MA 01105 | | 413-785-6800 |
Worcester | MA | 01608-2025 | Massachusetts District Court | Harold D. Donohue Federal Building and United States Courthouse 595 Main Street Worcester MA 01608-2025 | | 508-929-9900 |
Boston | MA | 02210-3002 | Massachusetts Prob/Pretrial Office | John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse One Courthouse Way, Room 1200 Boston MA 02210-3002 | | 617-748-4200 |
Lawrence | MA | 01840-1269 | Massachusetts Prob/Pretrial Office | 499 Essex Street, Room 3 Lawrence MA 01840-1269 | | 978-689-3653 |
Springfield | MA | 1105 | Massachusetts Prob/Pretrial Office | 300 State Street, Room 130 Springfield MA 01105 | | 413-785-6920 |
Worcester | MA | 01608-1750 | Massachusetts Prob/Pretrial Office | 370 Main Street, Room 700 Worcester MA 01608-1750 | | 508-929-9930 |
Taunton | MA | 02780-2714 | Massachusetts Prob/Pretrial Office | 104 Dean Street, Suite 102 Taunton MA 02780-2714 | | 508-828-5072 |
Boston | MA | 2210 | Massachusetts Federal Public Defender | 51 Sleeper Street, 5th Floor Boston MA 02210 | N/A | 617-223-8061 |
Massachusetts Federal Courts – Locations, Hours & Phone Numbers
Article III of the U.S. Constitution invests the judicial power of the United States in the federal court system. Article III, Section 1 specifically creates the U.S. Supreme Court and gives Congress the authority to create the lower federal courts. Massachusetts Federal Courts are a part of them.
Throughout the U.S., there are 94 U.S. District Courts. Massachusetts has three. Boston is the home of the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse. The Harold D. Donohue Federal Building and United States Bankruptcy Courthouse is located in Worcester. Springfield is the location for the state’s United States Courthouse. Boston covers all of eastern Massachusetts Federal Courts.
Like state courts, Massachusetts federal courts have jurisdiction over civil and criminal matters. However, unlike state level courts, Federal courts have limited jurisdiction, meaning they can only hear cases authorized by the United States Constitution or federal statutes.
In Massachusetts, the public may obtain information on pending court matters, as well as resolved court matters by visiting the Office of the Clerk of the Court or by visiting its website at this LINK. Other information obtained online includes court opinions, and general information such as general court orders, how to apply for an interpreter and immigration.
If notified by mail to serve on a jury, you can obtain information online. Jurors are obligated to remain on call for jury service up to 15 business days. It is important to note that during that time you MAY be called to come to the courthouse and serve. Most trials will last 5 to 7 days. Your employer cannot terminate you for jury service and you will be paid $40 a day while on duty.
If you are going to represent yourself as pro se, you can also obtain local and national forms on the website or by visiting the clerk in person and requesting the packet of documents you need for your specific situation. The clerk can never provide any legal advice, but they can give the forms and written instructions for use and filing.
Persons filing documents may also use the online E-file system.
Under the Federal system, Magistrate Judges handle some District Court matters. Parties dissatisfied with a decision of a U.S. District Court, the U.S. Court of Claims, and/or the U.S. Court of International Trade may appeal to a U.S. Court of Appeals. A party may ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals, but the Supreme Court usually is under no obligation to do so. The U.S. Supreme Court is the final arbiter of federal constitutional questions.