Rhode Island Criminal Records

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Name Phone Number License Plate VIN

Rhode Island Criminal Records Search

A criminal record is a good way to know about a person?s behavior in public. To review for accuracy and completeness, individuals in Rhode Island can request for a copy of their own criminal record from BCI. The Bureau of Criminal investigation or BCI maintains criminal records in Rhode Island. Obtaining Rhode Island criminal records is by no means difficult. A criminal record can provide you valuable insights about your own or another person?s past. Using a criminal record, you can make your workplace or neighborhood a safer place.

People require criminal records for a number of reasons including performing background checks on prospective employees, school admittance, property rental, adopting children and purchasing firearm. When a person is arrested for a crime, his or her criminal record begins. The arrested person is photographed and fingerprinted. Along with the information about current arrest, the person?s personal information is also recorded. The aforementioned information is stored if the arrested person is convicted of the crime.

Rhode Island Criminal Records Include

  • Arrests
  • Police records
  • Warrants
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanor
  • Sex offenses
  • Traffic citations
  • Court records
  • Incarceration records

To obtain Rhode Island criminal record, you need to request the Bureau of Criminal investigation or the Rhode Island State Police for it. Rhode Island criminal records are regarded as confidential information but the Bureau of Criminal investigation will provide you access to this confidential information if you follow the right steps. BCI will provide authorized individuals or agencies requesting third party criminal records access to public record criminal history including conviction information.

It is important for you to keep in mind that no criminal record check in Rhode Island will take place until the record subject authorizes it. Also, the subject?s fingerprints are required for a national background check. Once the subject authorizes the check, you can request the Rhode Island criminal record you need in person or by mail. If you choose to apply by mail, you can send your request to:

Department of Attorney General

Bureau of Criminal Identification

150 S Main Street

Providence, RI 02903

In addition to the aforementioned ways, you can obtain Rhode Island criminal records online through public databases. To obtain Rhode Island criminal records this way, you?ll need to a convenience fee in addition to the $5 fee required for processing the request.

Rhode Island Criminal Records

Criminal Record Discalimer

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Responses to “Rhode Island Criminal Records

  1. says:

    Victoria, you can certainly find out your Rhode Island criminal record in our member’s area. Go through our initial search, enter all the relevant information and select what public record you are interested in. We have customer support to assist you if you need any guidance.

  2. says:

    I would like to get my OWN personal record. Can I apply for this on line

Last Updated: 2017-01-23

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