Virginia Inmate Finder

Name Phone Number License Plate VIN
Name Phone Number License Plate VIN

Virginia State Inmate Finder
Free Virginia Inmate Records Search

Virginia Inmate Finder Information

Virginia’s department of corrections maintains an online database of offenders sent to any of the facilities of the Virginia Department of Corrections, by the court. It only contains information about individuals who have been declared as ‘Virginia State Responsible’ and are currently serving their sentences in a facility of the Virginia Department of Corrections. The online Virginia Inmate Finder does not provide any information about the criminal history of an offender so, if anyone needs information about an offender’s criminal history, he/ she needs to contact Virginia State Police for that. To begin a Virginia inmate finder search, click on the link above and enter the full name of the inmate to begin. It’s helpful to also have the inmate identification number

Although the online database of Virginia Inmate Finder is regularly updated and all measures are taken to ensure its completeness and accuracy, the Virginia Department of Corrections does not guarantee it, keeping in view the possibility of the quick change of parts of the information. Due to this, there are slight possibilities of not getting accurate information about an offender, such as his/ her current location or release date etc.

The Virginia Department of Correction also does not guarantee to contain information about all present inmates; though it tries to keep the online database as updated as possible (the records are updated daily).

For locating an inmate in Virginia, the Virginia inmate finder gives you two options. You can search the database by entering any of the following details:

* Offender Identification number

* First and Last names of the offender. (If you are not sure about an offender’s first name, it allows you to conduct a partial name search by entering at least first two letters of his/ her first name)

The Virginia inmate finder provides only basic information about an offender which includes:

* Offender identification number

* Offender’s name

* Race

* Sex

* Release date (if applicable)

* Current location of the offender

Offender Management Unit of Virginia Department of Corrections can be contacted for any query or for more details.

Virginia Inmate Finder
Virginia Inmate Finder

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