New York Inmate Finder

Name Phone Number License Plate VIN
Name Phone Number License Plate VIN

New York State Inmate Finder
Free New York Inmate Records Search

New York Inmate Finder Information

New York Inmate Finder is a very well defined and comprehensive online tool to find offenders under the jurisdiction of New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. The webpage has a number of options to use for search. Fore mostly, the name of the inmate can be looked up to find further details. The inmate can be searched by using partial/full last name alone or in combination with the birth year. Middle initial and Name suffixes can also be used to find inmates.

The most effective way to yield results is to look up inmates using their Department Identification Number. It is a code that is assigned to each inmate at the issue of sentence and is used to identify them for legal and official matters. No matter where an inmate is housed, the Department Identification Number or DIN remains same for their term of sentence. If you don’t know the DIN of an inmate, you will first need to search them by their name and later on use the acquired DIN for future information. It must be noted that the database does not contain information on Youthful Offenders; they are maintained separately and have a different procedure all together. The DIN code is 7-character alphanumeric code with a structure of, for example, 91-A-1234.

New York State Identification Number can also be used to find inmates. This code is used only to find offenders in ‘Criminal Justice’ category.

The page is maintained for the purpose of providing safety and welfare to the citizens of vicinities under New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. It has been proved helpful not only for the public users but also the law enforcement authorities due to the huge database maintained on various kinds of offenders.

New York Inmate Finder
New York Inmate Finder

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