South Dakota Driving Records

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Name Phone Number License Plate VIN

South Dakota Driving Records Search

If you want to see what?s included in your South Dakota driving history then requesting for and obtaining your driving record is necessary. Your driving record will inform you about everything you?ve done behind the wheel. In South Dakota, the driving records are maintained by the South Dakota Department of Public Safety (DPS).

South Dakota Driving Records Include

  • Your personal information
  • Traffic offenses
  • Driver?s license issuance and expiry date
  • Suspensions and revocations
  • History of moving violations
  • DUI violations
  • Cancellations and denials

As it a public record, your South Dakota driving record can be requested for and viewed by courts, insurance companies, and potential employers. Following are the two types of South Dakota driving records you can request for:

Three Year North Dakota Driving Record

This type of driving record contains your three-year South Dakota driving history including your personal information, your moving violations, and your traffic offenses.

Three Year North Dakota CDL Driving Record

Issued by the DPS offices of South Dakota, the three-year CDL driving record is a driving record that includes commercial driving history such as cancellations, denials, suspensions, and revocations.

You can request for and obtain your South Dakota driving record in three different ways. The three ways to obtain South Dakota driving records are in person, by mail and online. To obtain your South Dakota driving record in person, visit the local SD DMV office, fill and submit Driver Licensing Request From Record Holder form, provide ID proof and pay the required fee. If you want to request for and obtain your South Dakota driving record by mail, fill and mail the aforementioned form along with a self-addressed envelope and a $5 pay order or cheque to:

Driver Licensing
118 W. Capitol Ave
Pierre, SD 57501-2036

Before mailing the form to the aforementioned address, ensure that it is notarized. The final way for you to obtain your South Dakota driving record is online. To access your South Dakota driving record online, you need to sign up with an online public database. Once you sign up with the online public database, you will be able to obtain an updated South Dakota driving record within a short time. Obtaining South Dakota driving records online is the most convenient way to access them.

South Dakota Driving Records

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Last Updated: 2017-04-04

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