Ohio Driving Records

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Name Phone Number License Plate VIN

Ohio Driving Records Search

A record of your driving history, a driving record is maintained by a state?s motor vehicle record. Depending on the state, the driving records contain driving history of three years or more. In Ohio, the driving records are maintained by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). Following is the information include in the Ohio driving records:

  • Your name, address, DOB, physical description, country name, and driver?s license status
  • Information mentioned on the driving license such as the license number, issuance place, date of expiry, class, endorsements, and restrictions
  • Information such as tickets, revocations and suspensions, traffic accidents and violations

Click Here To Begin A Free Ohio Driver Record Search Online

There are multiple ways for you to obtain your Ohio driving records but before we find that out, let?s take a look at the types of Ohio driving information available to you. Following are the driving records you can make a request for in Ohio:

Certified Ohio Driving Record Abstract

A certified driving record abstract is an official record of your driving history that shows:

  • Your driver?s license points
  • Accidents
  • Violations
  • Your personal information
  • Tickets

Ohio Driving Records Online

As the name suggests, an unofficial online driving record is an unofficial record of your driving history available online. This driving record gives a limited view of your driving history.

Generally, people in Ohio make a request for their own driving record. However, the following people can also request for and view your Ohio driving record:

  • Government agencies
  • Courts
  • Licensed private investigators
  • Insurance companies
  • Private transportation companies
  • Employers
  • News publications
  • Tow companies
  • People with written consent from the driver

Finally, we come to the most important thing: how can you obtain your driving record? There are three ways of requesting for and obtaining Ohio driving record: in person, by mail and online. To request for and obtain the driving record in person, you need to visit the Regional Driver License Reinstatement Center, provide ID proof and pay the required fee.

To obtain the driving record by mail, fill the OBMV Record Request form and mail it along with a self-addressed envelope and a $5 pay order or cheque to:

PO Box 16520

Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520

Finally, you can obtain your Ohio driving record online by visiting Ohio BMV website, entering the required information, and paying the relevant fees. Also, you can address the records online through public databases.

Ohio Driving Records

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Last Updated: 2017-03-28

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