Court Name | Address | Phone |
Driver's License Site Office | Fire Hall | (701) 328-2252 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 120 N. Central Ave. | (701) 873-4940 |
Driver's License Site Office | 250 Seventh St. N.E. Beulah Civic Center | (701) 227-6550 |
Driver's License Site Office | 608 E. Boulevard Ave. Department of Transportation | (701) 328-2252 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 608 E. Boulevard Ave. Transportation Building | (701) 328-2725 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 104 First St. N.W. | (701) 523-3665 |
Driver's License Site Office | 100 First St. S.E. Bowman City Hall | (701) 227-6550 |
Driver's License Site Office | 1000 N. Central Ave. Foster County Courthouse | (701) 662-4814 |
Driver's License Site Office | 301 Dakota St. W. Pembina County Courthouse | (701) 787-6540 |
Driver's License Site Office | 611 Ninth St. N.E. Cooperstown City Hall | (701) 787-6540 |
Driver's License Site Office | 302 Second Ave. N. Divide County Courthouse | (701) 774-4358 |
Driver's License Site Office | 516 Highway 2 E. WDAZ-TV | (701) 662-4814 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 1173 Third Ave. W. | (701) 227-6540 |
Driver's License Site Office | 1173 Third Ave. W. Department of Transportation | (701) 227-6550 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 9628 Highway 281 | (701) 344-5000 |
Driver's License Site Office | 503 38th St. S. Department of Transportation | (701) 239-8940 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 855 45th St. S. | (701) 282-5070 |
Driver's License Site Office | 349 Main St. | (701) 239-8940 |
Driver's License Site Office | 1 Central Ave. W. Garrison City Hall | (701) 328-2252 |
Driver's License Site Office | 701 W. Sixth St. Third Floor | (701) 787-6540 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 432 Hill Ave. | (701) 352-0781 |
Driver's License Site Office | 1951 N. Washington St. Department of Transportation | (701) 787-6540 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 1726 S. Washington St. Suite 55 | (701) 772-1390 |
Driver's License Site Office | 120 Eighth St. W. Harvey Armory | (701) 857-7624 |
Driver's License Site Office | 146 E. Main St. Hazen City Hall | (701) 227-6550 |
Driver's License Site Office | 300 Second Ave. NE Suite 139 | (701) 252-5596 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 120 Second St. SE | (701) 952-0852 |
Driver's License Site Office | 33 Center Ave. E. Lamoure Civic Center | (701) 239-8940 |
Driver's License Site Office | 901 Third St. Cavalier County Courthouse | (701) 787-6540 |
Driver's License Site Office | 101 N.E. First St. Linton Community Center | (701) 328-2252 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 100 Fourth St. N.W. | (701) 254-4802 |
Motor Vehicle Site Location | 204 Fifth Ave. W. Ransom County Courthouse | (701) 683-6152 |
Driver's License Site Office | 504 Prospect St. | (701) 239-8940 |
Driver's License Site Office | 21 First St. N.E. Mayville City Hall | (701) 787-6540 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 1600 Second Ave. S.W. | (701) 857-8221 |
Driver's License Site Office | 1600 Second Ave. S.W. Arrowhead Shopping Center | (701) 857-7624 |
Driver's License Site Office | 103 Soo Place New Town Civic Center | (701) 857-7624 |
Driver's License Site Office | 124 S. Fifth St. | (701) 239-8940 |
Driver's License Site Office | 14 First St. S.E. Rolla City Hall | (701) 857-7624 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 140 Viking Drive | (701) 776-5734 |
Driver's License Site Office | 221 S. Main St. Stanley City Hall | (701) 774-4358 |
Driver's License Site Office | 120 Broadway Ave. E. Kidder County Courthouse | (701) 328-2252 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 250 W. Main St. | (701) 845-3812 |
Driver's License Site Office | 747 Seventh St. S.E. National Guard Armory | (701) 239-8940 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 500 Dakota Ave. | (701) 642-2652 |
Driver's License Site Office | 907 Main Ave. Washburn City Hall | (701) 328-2252 |
Driver's License Site Office | 112 Second Ave. N.E. McKenzie County Public Library | (701) 774-4358 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office | 201 Fifth St. N.W. | (701) 444-3457 x.281 |
Driver's License Site Office | 537 Dakota Parkway W. Department of Transportation | (701) 774-4358 |
Motor Vehicle Site Office (Williston) | 1410 University Ave. | (701) 774-4530 |
Nevada DMV Offices – Locations, Hours & Phone Numbers
The Nevada Division of Motor Vehicles oversees several services that are available or required of residents living in Nevada. To help prevent long lines in Nevada offices, the DMV is constantly striving to make services available without the need to in-person visits.
Office Services
Nevada DMV offices are generally quite busy, even given the size of the staff on hand throughout the day. While you should only visit an office if you can’t do something online or at a kiosk, here is a list of things that you will be required to visit an office to do:
- New driver’s license or ID card
- New vehicle registration (for vehicles purchased out of state)
- New driver testing
To help reduce lines in DMV offices, and to reduce commute times, the Nevada DMV offers several kiosks throughout Nevada. Though usually located within major supermarkets, the complete list of kiosk locations is available on the Nevada DMV website.
- Registration Renewal: Visit a kiosk to renew your registration instantly after having successfully completed a smog check
- Insurance Suspension Reinstatement: If your license has been suspended due to lack of insurance, you can reinstate it through any kiosk, provided your insurance company has sent the DMV your policy information.
- Driver History Printout: You access your driver history, including previous activity such as suspensions.
- Duplicate License, Permit or ID Card: This is used if your card has been lost or stolen.
- License or ID Card Renewal: While you can renew your license or ID at a kiosk, you cannot change the photo.
Online Services
The Nevada DMV website is located at, and offers a wide variety of services to keep you from having to visit an office. These services include, but are not limited to:
- Registration renewal: Required on a yearly basis. Registration paperwork is mailed to you after payment is completed online
- Update your insurance policy
- Request duplicate drivers license
- Estimate upcoming registration fees
- Make in-person appointments
Avoiding Long Lines
Nevada DMV offices can get quite busy, and the following tips should be followed to help your experience be as best it can be:
- Get to the office 30 minutes before opening time to avoid long wait times
- Use the “Dash Pass” to make an apointment. This online booking service gives you the opportunity to set an arrival time that’s convenient for you
- Fill out paperwork beforehand whenever possible. This saves time both for you and those after you.
- Avoid the DMV office the day after a holiday. This is the busiest possible time for most, if not all offices.