Court Name | Address | Phone |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 101 Orchard St. | (870) 766-8923 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 615 Clay St. | (870) 246-6733 |
Tag Renewals | 109 W.P. Malone Drive | (870) 246-2459 |
Testing Facility | 137 Malvern Road | (501) 618-8282 |
Testing Facility | 716 Ash Flat Drive | (870) 523-4849 |
Tag Renewals | 219 Highway 412 | (870) 994-7520 |
Testing Facility | 421 Frisco St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Ashdown Revenue Office | 390 W. Main St. | (870) 898-3255 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 220 E. Main St. | (479) 641-2642 |
Testing Facility | 118 S. Second St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Augusta Revenue Office | 502 N. Third St. Room B | (870) 347-2213 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 2610 Highway 367 N. | (501) 724-3147 |
Testing Facility | 393 E. College St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Batesville Revenue Office | 1207 E. Main St. | (870) 793-7441 |
Tag Renewals | 3150 Harrison St. | (870) 793-9004 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 206 W. Center St. | (501) 882-6777 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 215 N. Main St. | (501) 778-4876 |
Tag Renewals | 17309 Interstate 30 | (501) 860-6135 |
Testing Facility | 1605 Edison Ave. | (501) 618-8252 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 105 Spring St. | (870) 423-2046 |
Tag Renewals | 1000 W. Trimble Ave. | (870) 423-4636 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 1818 S. Division St. Ste. C | (870) 762-2321 |
Tag Renewals | 3700 E. Highway 18 | (870) 763-0440 |
Testing Facility | 366 N. Broadway Ave. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 101 N. Broadway St. | (479) 675-3101 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 309 W. Cedar St. | (870) 734-1816 |
Testing Facility | 233 W. Cedar St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 101 N.W. Third St. Ste. G | (501) 847-5080 |
Tag Renewals | 400 Bryant Ave. | (501) 847-2857 |
Testing Site | 116 North 1st St. Old State Revenue Office | (501) 618-8252 |
Cabot Revenue Office | 1604 S. Pine St. Suite F | (501) 843-5836 |
Testing Facility | 4 Highway 5 South | (479) 751-1141 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 135 Jackson St. | (870) 836-4171 |
Tag Renewals | 1270 State Highway 278 Bypass S.W. | (870) 836-4538 |
Testing Facility | 625 Adams Trail | (870) 247-1483 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 107 Spring St. Cave City Hall | (870) 283-5849 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 607 E. Main St. | (479) 965-2220 |
Clarendon Revenue Office | 603 Madison St. | (870) 747-3796 |
Testing Facility | 270 Madison St. City Hall | (870) 523-4849 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 1140 S. Rogers St. | (479) 754-2149 |
Testing Facility | 2700 W. Main St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Testing Facility | 273 Factory Road | (479) 754-3096 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 1400 Highway 65 S. | (501) 745-6176 |
Tag Renewals | 1966 Highway 65 S. | (501) 745-2498 |
Tag Renewals | 3900 Dave Ward Drive | (501) 328-9570 |
Tag Renewals | 1155 Highway 65 N. | (501) 329-0023 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 2125 Harkrider St. Suite 46 | (501) 329-2601 |
Testing Facility | 1900 Tyler St. | (501) 618-825 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 800 W. Second St. | (870) 857-3221 |
Testing Facility | 536 East Elm St. M.B. Ainley Jr. Community Center | (870) 523-4849 |
Testing Facility | 307 Main St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 207 Main Street Ste. A | (870) 364-6744 |
Tag Renewals | Main Street and State Highway 133 | (870) 364-2165 |
Testing Facility | 203 E. Fifth St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 203 E. Fifth St. | (479) 495-2841 |
Testing Facility | 120 N. Front St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 106 Union St. | (479) 229-3657 |
Testing Facility | 220 N. Second St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 110 W. DeQueen Ave. | (870) 584-3181 |
Testing Facility | 120 Court Square | (870) 534-0220 |
Office Of Motor Vehicles | 310 Maple St. | (479) 752-3912 |
Testing Facility | 113 N. Freeman St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 102 S. Arkansas St. | (870) 538-5705 |
Testing Facility | 107 S. Third St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 142 Court Square | (870) 946-3421 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 205 W. Third St. | (870) 286-2499 |
Dover Revenue Office | 8904 Market St. | (479) 331-9734 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 701 Highway 65 S. Ste. A | (870) 382-2950 |
Testing Facility | 603 Highway 65 S. | (870) 534-0220 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 1016 Second St. | (870) 792-8496 |
Tag Renewals | 2730 Northwest Ave. | (870) 862-2128 |
Testing Facility ' State Police HQ | 238 American Road | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 236 American Road | (870) 863-3862 |
Testing Facility | 101 Allis St. City Hall | (501) 618-8252 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 211 N. Allis St. | (501) 842-3886 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 239 S. Main St. | (870) 355-4436 |
Testing Facility | 147 Passion Play Road | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 965 S. Razorback Road Ste. 2 | (479) 442-7691 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 200 Main St. | (479) 839-2479 |
Tag Renewals | 2875 W. Sixth St. | (479) 582-0428 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 116 W. Third St. | (870) 352-3588 |
Testing Facility | 101 S. Main St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Tag Renewals | 205 Deadrick Road | (870) 633-0021 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 2308 N. Washington St. | (870) 633-2512 |
Testing Facility | 3205 N. Washington St. Arkansas State Police Headquarters | (870) 523-4849 |
Tag Renewals | 2600 Midland Drive | (479) 785-5964 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 616 Garrison Ave. Room 106 | (479) 783-0279 |
Testing Facility | 5728 Kelly Highway | (479) 754-3096 |
Fort Smith (East) Revenue Office | 6515 Phoenix Ave. | (479) 452-7031 |
Tag Renewals | 8301 Rogers Ave. | (479) 484-5205 |
Tag Renewals | 2425 S. Zero St. | (479) 646-6382 |
Testing Facility | 105 E. Main St. | (479) 751-1141 |
Testing Facility | 210 N. Second St. | (501) 618-8282 |
Glenwood Revenue Office | 107 Mountain View Road | (870) 356-3105 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 108 Main St. N.E. | (479) 787-5912 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 102 N. Second St. | (870) 438-6559 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 804 W. Denver St. Ste. B | (479) 996-2143 |
Tag Renewals | 551 Liberty Drive | (479) 996-8500 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 205 E. Jefferson St. | (870) 853-5418 |
Testing Facility | 305 E. Adams St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Testing Facility | 121 North Second St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 218 Main St. | (870) 798-2588 |
Testing Facility | 202 N. East St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 408 N. Illinois St. | (870) 578-5911 |
Testing Facility | 2724 Airport Road | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 1020 Goblin Dr. Stes. A & B | (870) 741-5501 |
Tag Renewals | 1417 Highway 62/65 N. | (870) 365-8400 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 183 N. Hazen Ave. | (870) 255-3156 |
Testing Facility | 106 W. South Front St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Testing Facility | 2319 Highway 110 West | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 113 W. Clinton St. | (501) 362-2469 |
Testing Facility | 600 Cherry St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Helena-West Helena Revenue Office | 429 Cherry St. | (870) 338-8171 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 116 E. 12th St. | (870) 777-3131 |
Testing Facility | 2501 N. Hazel St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Tag Renewals | 2400 N. Hervey St. | (870) 777-5500 |
Testing Facility | Hope Airport Highway 278 West and Highway 32 East | (870) 777-4641 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 200 Woodbine St. Room 142 | (501) 624-4472 |
Testing Facility | 200 Karen St. | (501) 618-8282 |
Tag Renewals | 1601 Albert Pike Blvd. | (501) 624-2498 |
Tag Renewals | 4019 Central Ave. | (501) 623-7605 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 309 S. Broadway St. | (870) 339-3196 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 705 N. Parrott Drive Ste. A | (479) 738-6516 |
Testing Facility | 1 Main St. | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 106 S.W. Second St. | (870) 869-2218 |
Tag Renewals | 2000 John Harden Drive | (501) 985-8731 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 4 Crestview Plaza | (501) 982-5942 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 108 N. Spring St. | (870) 446-2215 |
Testing Facility | 300 N. Spring St. | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 206 Southwest Drive Ste. B | (870) 932-2716 |
Tag Renewals | 1815 E. Highland Drive | (870) 931-5001 |
Tag Renewals | 1911 W. Parker Road | (870) 972-6350 |
Testing Facility | 2216 Access Road | (870) 523-4849 |
Lake City Revenue Office | 107 Cobean St. | (870) 237-4421 |
Testing Facility | 7 N. Court St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 527 Highway 82 & Highway 65 South | (870) 265-2320 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 116 S. Main St. | (870) 539-2501 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 118 Highway 14 | (870) 436-5221 |
Lewisville Revenue Office | 119 Chestnut St. | (870) 921-4730 |
Lincoln Revenue Office | 215 S. Main St. | (479) 824-3110 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 1900 W. Seventh St. Room 1040 | (501) 682-4663 |
Tag Renewals | 700 S. Bowman Road | (501) 223-0604 |
Testing Facility | 1355 W. Front St. | (501) 618-8252 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 105 Jefferson St. | (501) 676-2407 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 101 S. Court Square | (870) 234-3560 |
Testing Facility | 203 N. Fredrick St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Testing Facility | 305 Locust St. | (501) 618-8282 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 129 W. Page Ave. | (501) 332-3501 |
Tag Renewals | 1601 Highway 270 Ste. 101 | (501) 337-9736 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 415 Main St. | (870) 625-3204 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 214 Baltimore Ave. | (870) 561-4470 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 29 N. Poplar St. | (870) 295-3252 |
Testing Facility | 15 E. Chestnut St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 116 Center St. | (870) 739-4494 |
Marked Tree Revenue Office | 98 Highway 63B Suite C | (870) 358-2498 |
Testing Facility | 1 Elm St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Testing Facility | 515 Zack Road | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 550 Edgewood Drive Suite 580 | (501) 851-7688 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 901 Holly St. Room 102 | (870) 222-3422 |
Testing Facility | 901 Holly St. | (870) 534-0220 |
Testing Facility | 300 Circle Drive | (479) 751-1141 |
Melbourne Revenue Office | 41 S. Spring St. | (870) 368-4335 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 601 Highway 71 North | (479) 394-2333 |
Testing Facility | 509 Morrow St. S. | (501) 618-8282 |
Tag Renewals | 600 Highway 17 N. | (479) 394-0025 |
Testing Facility | 1665 Highway 278 E. Fire Training Academy | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 506 W. Gaines Ave. | (870) 367-5226 |
Tag Renewals | 427 Highway 425 N. | (870) 367-0409 |
Testing Facility | 212 N. Moose St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 207 N. St. Joseph St. | (501) 354-2088 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 127 S. West St. | (870) 867-3813 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 200 E. Eighth St. Ste. 102 | (870) 425-2571 |
Testing Facility | 1813 Bradley Drive | (479) 751-1141 |
Tag Renewals | 65 Wal-Mart Drive | (870) 492-9299 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 205 W. Jefferson St. | (870) 269-3436 |
Testing Facility | 205 Bayou Drive Central Fire Station | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 101 Highway 71 N.W. | (479) 369-2791 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 131 Kelly St. | (870) 285-3590 |
Testing Facility | 204 E. Main St. | (501) 618-8282 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 112 Main St. | (870) 523-3861 |
Testing Facility | 3720 Comet Drive | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 6969 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Space 22 | (501) 835-6904 |
Tag Renewals | 4450 E. McCain Blvd. | (501) 945-2700 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 2655-A Pike Ave. | (501) 324-9246 |
Tag Renewals | 3801 Camp Robinson Road | (501) 753-3003 |
Tag Renewals | 2802 W. Kings Highway | (870) 236-9707 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 421 N. Main St. | (870) 845-7514 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 550 S. Ermen Lane | (870) 563-2211 |
Testing Facility | 382 North Country Club Road | (870) 523-4849 |
Testing Facility | 2910 W. Commerical St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 221 W. Main St. | (479) 667-3765 |
Testing Facility | 309 S. Sixth Ave. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 320 W. Court St. Room 100 | (870) 236-8755 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 25 S. 10th St. | (479) 963-3111 |
Testing Facility | 1810 E. Walnut St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 11 W. Smithdale Ave. | (870) 755-5491 |
Testing Facility | 613 N. Fourche Ave. | (479) 754-3096 |
Perryville Revenue Office | 410 N. Fourche | (501) 889-2665 |
Testing Facility | 151 S. Second Ave. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 151 S. Second St. | (870) 598-3310 |
Testing Facility | 912 W. Sixth Ave. Ste. C | (870) 534-0220 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 2801 Olive St. Space 7-C | (870) 535-4564 |
Tag Renewals | 5501 S. Olive St. | (870) 534-7054 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 107 W. Broadway St. | (870) 892-3147 |
Testing Facility | 205 Geneva Drive | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 147 E. Second St. N. | (870) 887-2013 |
Testing Facility | 147 E. Second St. N. | (870) 777-4641 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 740 E. Ninth St. | (870) 595-3108 |
Testing Facility | County Shop Old Fairgrounds | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 120 Sycamore St. | (870) 325-6471 |
Tag Renewals | 2110 W. Walnut St. | (479) 636-3222 |
Rogers Revenue Office | 300 W. Poplar | (479) 636-1095 |
Tag Renewals | 3093 E. Main St. | (479) 967-9777 |
Testing Facility | Hob Nob Road and Alaskan Trail | (479) 754-3096 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 105 S. Rochester Ave. | (479) 968-1526 |
Testing Facility | 1000 East Parkway Drive | (479) 754-3096 |
Testing Facility | 123 S. Main St. | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 118 Locust St. | (870) 895-3354 |
Tag Renewals | 3509 E. Race Ave. | (501) 268-2207 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 402 W. Vine St. | (501) 268-2802 |
Testing Facility | 801 S. Elm St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 202 S. Oak St. | (870) 942-3522 |
Testing Facility | 1511 S. Rose St. | (501) 618-8282 |
Tag Renewals | 2901 Highway 412 E. | (479) 524-5101 |
Testing Facility | 1333 E. Main St. | (479) 751-1141 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 707 S. Lincoln St. Ste. A | (479) 524-3182 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 201 E. Seventh St. | (870) 725-3334 |
Testing Facility | 5084 Har-Ber Ave. | (479) 751-1141 |
Testing Facility | 1686 Ford Ave. | (479) 751-1141 |
Tag Renewals | 2004 S. Pleasant St. | (479) 751-4817 |
Springdale Revenue Office | 3159 Springdale Ave. | (479) 751-4498 |
Testing Facility | 207 E. Antigo St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Testing Facility | 216 S. Jefferson St. | (870) 534-0220 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 106 W. Victory St. | (870) 628-4578 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 103 N. First St. | (870) 786-5801 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 205 W. Michigan St. | (870) 673-2866 |
Tag Renewals | 406 E. 22nd St. | (870) 673-3349 |
Testing Facility | 514 S. Main St. | (870) 534-0220 |
Tag Renewals | 133 Arkansas Blvd. | (870) 772-1501 |
Testing Facility | 305 E. Sixth St. | (870) 777-4641 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 801 E. Fourth St. | (870) 773-3871 |
Testing Facility | 100 N. Melton Ave. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 221 Main St. | (479) 474-5079 |
Tag Renewals | 2214 Fayetteville Road | (479) 474-2314 |
Vilonia Revenue Office | 118 Bise Drive | (501) 796-8211 |
Testing Facility | 370 Featherston St. | (479) 754-3096 |
Waldron Revenue Office | 109 W. First St. | (479) 637-3661 |
Testing Facility | 1009 W. Main St. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 315 W. Main St. Room 3 | NA |
Testing Facility | 1237 N. Myrtle St. | (870) 247-1483 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 410 S. Martin St. Suite B | (870) 226-3223 |
West Fork Revenue Office | 222 Webber St. | (479) 839-2479 |
Tag Renewals | 798 W. Service Rd. | (870) 732-0175 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 250 Shopping Way Suite A | (870) 735-1122 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 8512 Dollarway Road | (870) 247-5565 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 705 E. Union Ave. | (870) 238-2591 |
Testing Facility | 705 Union Ave. E. | (870) 523-4849 |
Office of Motor Vehicles | 219 E. Old Main St. | (870) 449-6535 |
Testing Facility | 112 U.S. Highway 62 | (479) 751-1141 |
Arkansas DFA Offices – Locations, Hours & Phone Numbers
The Office of Motor Vehicle falls under the authority of Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. It is in charge of registering vehicles, issuing title, and to lien perfection laws. The establishment and maintenance of vehicle registration, titling, and the procedures used in lien perfection that are used in State Revenue Offices (STO). Quickly locate Arkansas DFA offices with the list above.
The Office of Motor Vehicle is also responsible to examine the application for title that are submitted by applicants to State Revenue Office and require being accurate and as per the state law. The applications for title that are approved are authorized for title production under the authority of The Office of Motor Vehicle. Maintaining the state records for registered vehicles, their titles and lien records, and administration of International registration Plan signed between United States and Canada; all falls under the jurisdiction of The Office of Motor Vehicle
The website provides options to seek business, Citizen, Government, and Online Services. You can also look up service locations using specific settings according to regions and counties. Forms for license plate renewal, personalized license plate, and Vehicle Title, Registration & Lien Search are also available online. Applicants can fill these forms through internet and get their permits in time. There are no additional charges for online services. Services for motor boat registration are also provided by The Office of Motor Vehicle.
The laws elated to motor vehicle are recently revised. The changes made under Act 165, Act 1929, and Act 2202 are elaborated on the website to clarify the confusion between prior norms and current ruling. Due to this confusion many motor vehicle drivers often misunderstand the laws and face consequences. Hence, this feature provides them with online assistance in legal matters.